- How much is the eraser? 这个橡皮多少钱?
- How much is the postage for an airmail letter to Canada? 寄往加拿大的航空信要多少邮费?
- How much is the ticket for a slow single to Lanzhou? 买一张去兰州单程慢车票多少钱?
- How much is the rent for a month? 每月租金多少?
- How much is the room for the night? 这间房间住今天一个晚上要多少钱?
- How much is the air ticket fare to Vancouver? 去温哥华的机票多少钱?
- How much is the duty I have to pay? 我要付多少税金?
- How much is the earth larger than the moon? 地球比月球大多少?
- How much is the price of the Oxford dictionary? 牛津词典多少钱一本?
- How much is the coconut candy a kilogram? 椰子糖一公斤多少钱?
- How much is the fare to the airport? 到机场的车费是多少?
- How much is the postage for this? 这邮资多少钱?
- Hello, how much is the white shirt over there? 你好,那边那件白T衬衫多少钱?
- How much is the one way ticket to Seattle,please? 到西雅图的单程票多少钱?
- How much is the fare to New Orleans? 请问到新奥尔良票价多少?
- How much is the insurance premium a year? 一年缴纳多少保险费?
- A: How much is the postage for airmail letters? 航空信件的邮资是多少?
- PEDR Excuse me. How much is the bus? 对不起,请问巴士车票多少钱?
- How much is the fare to King Theatre? 到皇帝剧院的车费是多少?
- How much is the insurance scheme likely to cost? 推行存款保险计划的成本大概为多少?